

Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum


A community development program will guide a series of interventions for delivering positive impacts in the local area where our project is located.

The E&S risk of the TWPC Project has been classified as Category B+ (in accordance with Climate Investor One’s (CI1) risk categorisation).

To meet shareholder requirements and to identify enhanced environmental and social mitigation in line with international standards, an IFC-compliant environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) has been completed. An environmental and social management plan (ESMP) will be implemented by TWPC and its contractors.



Baseline studies and assessments have determined that there will be no adverse impacts on mangrove forests, protected areas, marine fauna or bats. Dispersed mangroves in the affected aquaculture ponds will be protected during construction of the transmission line towers. Whilst bird collision risk is considered low and there will be no direct impact on critical habitat, a biodiversity action plan is being prepared to address the conservation of bird species.



There will be no physical resettlement, but there may be minor economic displacement due to the small tower footprints in agricultural and aquaculture land. Land acquisition is being undertaken as per Vietnamese law by the government. Once completed, TWPC will develop a Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) in line with IFC PS5.

Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Peoples

The three main ethnic groups in Tra Vinh are Kinh, Kh’mer and Hoa. Impacts on the Kh’mer group will be considered in the LRP.

Technical Office

SALA, 25 Nguyen Co Thach St, An Loi Dong ward, District 2, Thu Duc city, Ho Chi Minh City


086 209 8879

(+84)28 7300 2101

Site Office

Con Trung Hamlet, Truong Long Hoa Commune, Duyen Hai Town, Tra Vinh Province

0394 886 229

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